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關於belarus protest的評價, 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong

ACAB 我們訪問了白羅斯少年Stainislaw,他是白俄羅斯示威中受警暴的受害者之一,其經歷只是眾多受害人的其中一個例子。由九月大選完結至今,被捕的示威者多達一千多人,他們大多都受到警方不合理...

白羅斯人嘅勇氣 今日白羅斯首都明斯克繼續有過萬人示威,而警察同軍隊除咗如常咁四圍拉人之外(今日拘押咗200人以上),更開始向天槍恐嚇啲示威者。 同時嗰啲「四點鐘」高級警察講到明,有需要就會開槍。 //Senior police officials have threatened to use firearms against protesters if needed.// 示威者嘅勇氣在於十二個星期以黎,就算警察响正旁邊近距離拉人又好,打人也好,就算依家向天開槍,都可以仍然繼續示威。 #面對恐懼的勇氣 Video Source:Reuters 報導: 《Reuters》 Tens of thousands protest in Belarus, defying warning shots https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-belarus-election/tens-of-thousands-protest-in-belarus-defying-warning-shots-idUKKBN27H1FC ********************************* 每日更新專屬內容嘅Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/goodbyehkhellouk Twitter:@ByeHKHiUK IG:@goodbyehkhellouk 最新Patreon Post: 泰王首次接受外國傳媒訪問,亮點在公主之後嘅補充 https://bit.ly/3jNINXE 新工黨黨魁Kier Starmer改革工黨打大佬嘅勇氣同意志 https://bit.ly/37X0OQT 英國謬誤物語:英國人真係好窮,隔山買「靚牛」的頓悟 https://bit.ly/2HMR5BN "Hong Kong Bill"被忽略嘅部份 https://bit.ly/37SbCjo 簽證審批人員嘅酌情權無限大,小心小心 https://bit.ly/31OoLWM 智利人民等咗呢個機會足足五十年,唔係一年抗爭咁簡單 https://bit.ly/37Er42m 從「每年離開唔多過180日」計法,了解Home Office習性 https://bit.ly/35BBlcK 是誰令BNO Visa持有人同家屬讀敏感科目要申請? https://bit.ly/3dWz53U 英國內政部提交國會嘅Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules,裡面關於BNO Visa嘅條文中需要注意嘅條文分享 https://bit.ly/37yyRhW 「鬥唔眨眼」EU眨先,脫歐貿易談判24小時內重開 https://bit.ly/2IThKxg 「有KOL話BNO Holder去英國生, BB會自動成為BC, 是真得嗎?」 https://bit.ly/3k9D5QG *********************************

白羅斯人嘅勇氣 今日白羅斯首都明斯克繼續有過萬人示威,而警察同軍隊除咗如常咁四圍拉人之外(今日拘押...

People suppressed all over the world! Let's stand together as One. Posted @withregram • @bbcnews For the fourth Sunday in a row mass protests have been held in Belarus against President Alexander Lukashenko. An estimated 100,000 people marched through the capital Minsk calling on the long-time president to resign after his re-election last month amid allegations of ballot-rigging. Many demonstrators were undeterred by the security forces who used razor wire to try to close off the obvious gathering points, like the city’s main monuments and squares. #Belarus #Minsk #lukashenko #Protest #BBCNews

People suppressed all over the world! Let's stand ...

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